May/June 2024 | Use Light Therapy for Safe, Effective Pain Relief and Healing
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Use Light Therapy for Safe, Effective Pain Relief and Healing

May/June 2024

Various forms of Red / Infrared light therapy have been used in veterinary medicine for over 50 years. Originally performed using lasers and known as Cold Laser Therapy, the benefits include rapid and effective pain relief (back or neck pain, arthritic pain), treatment of inflammation, and repair of injuries in legs, joints, and ligaments. It also helps to heal skin lesions and promotes hair regrowth.

LED light therapy works by stimulating cellular metabolism to promote cell growth and inducing a powerful anti-inflammatory response. It also stimulates circulation and collagen production. Hence it has sometimes been found effective when no other treatment works, for instance in tendinopathy and joint injury. There are no known negative side effects, and the benefits are clinically proven. It is also used for the prevention of injuries, particularly those resulting from overuse and excessive stress – as a conditioning tool for performance horses and racehorses which prevents injury and aids in their quick recovery.

Futurelyte’s light therapy pads for back, neck, leg, and joints contain powerful infrared LEDS, mostly powered by self-contained batteries, which are applied to the horse for 10 – 15 minutes a day. Unlike companies run by salesmen who do not have a clear idea of how these devices work or how to apply them, Futurelyte’s CEO and founder is a university researcher studying Red/Infrared Light therapy who has developed optimal LEDs and effective treatment protocols that are not generally available. Moreover, as an online company with almost no sales force, Futurelyte’s products are more competitively priced. In sum, you can expect better products, more reasonable pricing, and better after-sales service and guidelines.

Buy or learn more at or Instagram@futurelytecom.