May/June 2024 | Hawthorne Products and Education for Optimal Health
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Hawthorne Products and Education for Optimal Health

By Casey McCoy, Product Manager - May/June 2024

Once considered a “stable secret” by many top trainers, our award-winning products are now available to anyone who cares for their horses. Because Hawthorne Products are made from the purest, natural ingredients, they can be used before racing, competing and eventing. Through solid science and strenuous research, we have helped horse people avoid the disappointment and frustration of showing up at the barn and finding a lame, sick or ailing horse. Our goal is to help provide optimum care for all horses to increase their performance and improve their quality of life long into their senior years. To accomplish this, we provide a wide range of treatment potencies based on the severity of the ailment – from pain relief, wound care, breathing aids and much more.

Treating a sick or ailing horse can often be confusing and complicated. This is why we combine quality products with education and instruction to help you provide the best possible care for your horse. Hawthorne Products wants to make sure our customers have as many resources as possible. We provide the tools to educate our customers about various injuries that can occur and how our products can be used to prevent these injuries, relieve symptoms and provide healing. We’ve developed a number of different learning aids from printed brochures to instructional videos on YouTube. We’ll help you identify the type of injury you’re dealing with and connect the appropriate Hawthorne Product to prevent future injuries and provide healing and relief.

Hawthorne products belong on your barn shelf to help your horse reach peak performance, maintain optimum health and live longer, happier lives. Hawthorne Products – your source for professional horse care… for generations. To learn more about our product line and where to purchase, please call 1.800.548.5658 or visit