June/July 2023 | Trust Kencove Professionals to Help You Build a Better Fence
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Trust Kencove Professionals to Help You Build a Better Fence

June/July 2023

Kencove has been a nationwide farm fencing supplier since 1980. No matter the project or style of fence, they offer the materials, components, and equipment to get the job done. Facilities in Pennsylvania, Indiana, Missouri, and Idaho make for fast shipping and convenient on-site customer pick-up options.

Kencove understands that equine fencing should be visible, safe, and attractive. They carry a wide variety of products ranging from temporary fencing materials to permanent perimeters. High-visibility braided electric rope and electric tape are ideal for paddock divisions and temporary corrals. Quick braces in combination with 2x4 woven wire create a strong and safe exterior fence that eliminates most hazards and injuries. Kencove also stocks a full line of electric and non-electric coated wire and Horserail products and accessories that give any farm, ranch, or boarding facility an attractive and professional appearance.

Not only does Kencove provide quality products, they also offer many helpful services! Their Product Specialist will assist you in designing and choosing the right materials for your job, assembling a material list, and arranging shipping. If you are looking for hands-on experience and a deeper understanding of fence systems, you can also attend their Fence School which is offered several times a year! Whether you’re building your own fence or a fence contractor, their experienced instructors and helpful staff will equip you with the training and technical skills you need.

Visit www.kencove.com to view their products and events and subscribe to the Kencove YouTube channel for fencing tips and expert advice. You can trust the professionals at Kencove Farm Fence to help you build a better fence!