February 2023 | Is a Fabric Roof Riding Arena Right for You?
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Is a Fabric Roof Riding Arena Right for You?

February 2023

Fabric-covered steel truss buildings offer a brighter and healthier alternative to the classic steel roof structures, and they are changing the landscape of indoor riding.

Lucy owns and operates an equine facility in Covington, Georgia. She decided to go with a WeCover fabric roof riding arena instead of a traditional steel model and says that she’s glad to have discovered this alternative. “Everyone who rides or teaches here loves it,” she says. “We’ve heard a lot of comments like, ‘It’s like riding in an open-air cathedral!’ and, ‘This is a magnificent arena – the lighting is fabulous.’”

The translucent fabric covering captures and disseminates light throughout the space, eliminating shadows and drastically reducing the need for artificial indoor lighting, even on darker days.

This results in an indoor environment that feels much more like the outdoors, making the horses more comfortable. There are no shifting shadows to spook them because light filters in from every direction. Plus, the sunlight is a great mood booster for both horse and rider – that means less winter doldrums.

More natural lighting also means lower electricity costs, leading to long-term savings.

Paradise Farm in Ashford, Connecticut needed an arena with walls to seal out the wind and cold in winter.

They chose to apply wooden walls to the steel frame and included large removable panels that could be opened in the summer to let in lots of fresh air and light.

Ventilation options are a strength of steel-frame arenas. The added strength in the structure gives you flexibility for how you want your arena to look, while still getting great airflow and ventilation.

Custom steel frame, fabric roof riding arenas like these from WeCover are quickly becoming a favourite with Equestrians across North America. Your horses will love it, and your riders will too. Visit www.wecoverequine.com to read more.