November 2016 | Banixx™ Helps Keep Scratches at Bay During the Cold, Wet Winter
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Banixx™ Helps Keep Scratches at Bay During the Cold, Wet Winter

November 2016

Fall is finally here. Cold, wet and mud create prime conditions for the development of one of the most frustrating equine skin conditions: scratches. A chronic and progressive equine dermatitis that infects the deep layers of skin in the heel and pastern, scratches is actually a fungus that can have a bacterial component in more advanced stages. Horses that spend a lot of time in damp, muddy pastures are most susceptible to contracting scratches due to the constant wetting and drying of the skin on the legs and hooves.

How do I keep my horse from getting scratches?
If possible, keep your horse in a clean, dry stall and away from overly wet, muddy pastures. Avoid early morning turnout when there is a heavy dew or frost, and when you bring your horse in for the evening, dry his legs and check for early signs of infection. Use Banixx as a preventative measure by spraying the lower leg area and pasterns and patting it into the skin so that it makes good contact. Since Banixx provides an inhospitable environment to both bacteria and fungus, you can stay ahead of the game with this simple step. It’s not possible to over-medicate with Banixx™, so it can be used daily as a preventative.

How do I treat scratches?
Though many people use harsh chemical mixes to treat scratches, this approach is rarely successful in eradicating 100% of infectious cells. Banixx provides a gentler and more successful approach. Carefully clip the hair away from the infected area, making sure not to break the skin. Then, wash thoroughly with a mild soap. Pat the areas dry and, twice a day, apply a gentle, topical treatment, such as Banixx™, that will not burn or sting and will promote healing.